Tag Archive | life

My Home



Being at home in my self

The home in which I live
Is simple and clean,
Most of the time, that is.
If you’re living at all,
You know what I mean:
There are always improvements,
Chores to be done;
Rearranging of furniture,
Fixing this thing and that one…
It seems something is always amiss!

I’ve learned to be at peace
In this home of mine.
Most of the time, that is.
If you’re being at all,
We are of one mind:
There is always new learning,
Wounds to be healed,
Discoveries of every nature,
Knowing how to love and feel;
Such is being at home like this.

Don’t Be Surprised

I started my journey of healing many years ago.

The first leg was a long, steep, difficult path that wound through rocks and thickets so dense, I couldn’t see beyond myself at all.  It’s unpredictability was mind boggling.  I would climb a little higher; then find myself in a hole with no apparent way out.  Some days, I was pleased with what felt like progress, only to fall into a helpless heap of despair the next.

Eventually, the path widened into a road – you know the kind:  Two tracks with plenty of ruts and potholes.  The going was a bit easier and I had more perspective.

I found some nice spots to rest along the way:  Just the right mix of sun and shade, running water near by and soft places for lounging and sleep.

I don’t know how it happened, but I came to another steep, difficult place; in fact, it was more painful and challenging than the first one.  This time, there was no path.  I had to whack my way through the underbrush.  I thought I’d never get through it all!  Perhaps the hardest part was that I blamed myself:  If only I had learned my lesson the first time!  What is wrong with me that I’m back here??

Eventually, I had the pleasure of travelling on wide, well paved roads.  They were straight and level; there were lots of companions.  Loneliness was not even a whisper of a thought.  The camaraderie was wonderful!

Years later, my journey took a turn, and once again, I found myself in a quagmire.  I was dismayed!  This time, I had enough experience and maturity to recognize that this is part of a life-long pilgrimage.  It was still difficult and in some ways, the most painful of all.  I knew what to do:  Keep moving forward, step by step, clearing by clearing.

The moral of my tale?  When you find yourself in a difficult patch, know that you are making progress.  These detours are necessary for continued growth and wellness.  Greet them with dignity; don’t be surprised when they happen.

What Could This Treasure Be?

I briefly held a treasure;
It’s one I rarely see;
With many facets bright and clear
What could this treasure be?


Its beauty brought me pleasure
That caused my heart to sing;
Delighted as I drew it near,
What did this treasure bring?


A moment of clairty;
A glimpse of something more;
A word of truth within my soul;

Secrets I’m looking for.


Such a nebulous treasure;
One that must be set free,
For I am made to grow and change;
This treasure that is me.

Creating My Self

This poem is inspired by the banner on Life’s Fine Whine.

Check out PoojaG’s blog at



I’m creating myself today
With some scraps and threads;
Things I almost threw away;
An old garment in tatters and shreds.


The bits of thread are hopes and dreams
Saved for quite a while;
Memories of ideas and schemes;
So many of them just make me smile.


It’s good I kept all the treasures;
That truly is wise;
Though subtle, they bring such pleasure,
Even when they come in a disguise.


Though tattered, garments are so warm,
Filled with feelings dear;
Like patches in a quilt they form
Parts of my self so precious and clear.


Tomorrow I will start again
To build one called me;
To make this self my very best friend;
A new creation I’ll ever be!


How will you build tomorrow,
Knowing what you do today?
How will you find new direction
That sends you more happily on your way?


How will you forgive the past,
Setting you free to move on?
How do you let go of old hurts
So that you’re able to sing a new song?


How do you befriend yourself,
Accepting all that you are?
How can you push beyond limits,
Until you’re reaching for the farthest star?


Such a riddle and puzzle,
Needing the very best clue;
Its answer is simple yet deep:
Such full living begins and ends with you.


Hook me,
Just like a big fish,
With unkept promises
That are constantly renewed;
Veiled disapproval
That calls me to prove myself
Yet again.


Pull me,
On your line of ploys,
Calling me to respond
With the answers you desire;
Using history
To evoke that emotion
Yet again.


Draw me
With subtle half-truths;
Sly manipulations
That baffle and confuse me;
Breeches in boundaries
That call me to question self
Yet again.


Bait hooks
With fresh disguises
Of concern and offers
Meant to make me feel better
About staying with you,
Though all wisdom says to leave
Yet again.


Let me
Pull all the hooks out,
Though the pain is awful;
Causing me to bleed and cry;
Awakening my hope
That I will learn and move on
Yet again.


Sometimes, I find
I just need to rest;
Get away from the struggles;
Stop facing the test
Of life and relationships,
Of getting ahead;
To think for a while;
Just live instead.


There is such peace
In drawing aside
To relish a quiet place;
Perhaps just to hide
From demands and challenges,
From conflict and strife;
To hear my own voice;
To embrace life.


Plenty will take;
But others will give
It can feel overwhelming,
Just trying to live
As one whole and capable,
Prosperous and free;
Time outs are needed
Just to be me.


Some might think of soul food as things like hush puppies or gumbo,
But there is true nourishment for our souls,
Far more nebulous; yet tangible indeed:


A word of encouragement,
A loving touch,
A prayer offered at just  the right moment;
A hug when we need it so much.


An unexpected phone call,
A friendly smile;
A compassionate person who listens
Or just sits with us for a while.


These are the things that fill us,
That warm our souls;
That give nourishment and strength so we live
As we’re meant to be, well and whole.


My heart sings a song,
Heard only by me.
Sometimes, it’s loud;
More often, it’s soft and sweet.


This song in my heart
Has played a long time.
Built day by day,
It’s impossible to rhyme.


The song still goes on,
Like a faithful friend,
A companion
Whose presence will never end.


If you become quiet enough to listen,
You’ll be delighted to hear
The voices of Earth that speak softly:
A breath whispering in evergreens,
Babbling water that flows along;
The gentle flutter of sparrow’s wings
The hum of insects and bird song.


Step away from all clammering noises
Into the stillness a while
So you can discover the secret
Of music found in a heartbeat;
Poetic expressions of love;
The inward song of melody sweet;
Eternal words from God above.


Only in the silence of solitude
Can you hear the gentle things
Expressed in riddles and subtlety:
Paradoxes of life and death;
The pain and victory of growing;
Blood pumped through vessels, fullness of breath;
Peace and comfort found in knowing.


If you can perceive with all that you are
You will come to understand

That Heaven and Earth join together,
To make a living symphony
With its instruments great and small,
Playing such beautiful harmony,
Orchestrated for one and all.